Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This Pic was in Flordia W/ my older brother Roy and his boyfriend Randy!!

Just another day!!

Today we have a work event in Brooklyn Center, MN I cant wait we get to leave work early to go and the games for tonight are Name that Tune - 80's music! I know nothing of 80's music so lets hope I do good!! It's also CSR week so each day we get a little present from my boss- today we got this cool relaxtion gift! I like it alot!! So Tonight will be a blast! I will tell you how it went tomorrow! I'm out!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

present time

So currently life is good - although could always use more money!! brent has been working his butt- thunders health is good at the moment even though it can take a turn for worst in a blink of an eye!!! Work good but im trying to work my way up and get a raise- slowly but surely it will happen!!! havent been as close with my family as i would like since the wedding- i am still really hurt by them- because they made my wedding out to be a huge inconvience to all of them- but eventually i will get over it- im sure!! Tonight brent and I our going out to dinner with a couple of my co-workers- Im excited!!!


so we went to Flordia last month- It was so much fun! Seen my older borther Roy whom i miss soooo much, and i finally got to meet his boyfriend randy which i love!!! We also went to brents friend aarron's wedding - brent was the bestman!!! The whether was great although both brent and i got sick!!!